My name is Colette Pellissier, and I am here to help. Allow me to introduce myself:
I believe that we all are meant to experience inspired and fulfilling lives—not later, someday, but right now in this moment! In that space resides our infinite capacity to navigate the circumstances of our lives from a place of clarity and heart-centered leadership. Through my gifts of compassion, intuition and authentic presence, friends & clients say that they discover deeper self-awareness and confidence, new ways of being & doing—insights that are life-changing.
What makes that possible?
Deep Experience
I have nearly 30 years of experience in the corporate arena with more than 20 years of experience as a change agent for leaders, executives and teams inside the Fortune 100. With experience in virtually every functional discipline throughout the course of my career, I specialize in transitioning beyond functional silos to integrated business ways of being for transformational levels of effectiveness within individuals, within departments and across organizations.
I have also supported countless individuals outside of organizations who are committed to their own evolution, who want to grow both in consciousness and in contribution to the world we live in.
Deep Skills
- I know coaching: I have been coaching the better part of my 30+ year career and am a credentialed professional coach, CPCC, PCC. I have worked with individuals as well as groups, and have experience designing & delivering custom coaching and leadership development programs for leaders, teams and organizations.
- A breadth of education & experience: in addition to an MBA from Vanderbilt University, a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from University of Santa Monica imparted a life-changing set of skills and tools that I bring to my coaching partnerships; I also bring to bear the sum total of my life & work experiences which have shaped me, smoothed my edges, and taught me a thing or two about leading and influencing with heart and soul . This unique combination holds something specific for you, which is why you are reading this right now.
- I also know business: I am a sought-after leader, skilled at developing high performing environments and high performing teams, sought after to define and implement integrated business structures and processes that honor & deliver on organization intent. I am willing to stand alone in a perspective that might not be popular. My shoulder is tapped when something structural, behavioral, or environmental is not working and the goal is to heal the root of the issue for a step change improvement in performance, organizational energy and individual satisfaction.
I Have Done This Work Myself
For much of my life I felt like a fish swimming upstream, like everything – whether it was relationships, school (elementary through grad school, honestly) or work—all of it was effort-full. I found my way to what looked outwardly like success on personal, educational and professional levels. AND it felt like really hard work.
I spent a good chunk of my life and career frustrated and completely distracted from what I wanted, in service to meeting and exceeding other people’s expectations. It was a strategy that landed what seemed like affirming feedback along the way, in the form of good grades, promotions, awesome experiences, a six figure income. And yet, at every life milestone if felt like something was missing.
I have a gift: it is easy for me to see where things can work even better than they do, and usually it’s pretty clear to me how they can work better. Unfortunately, though, for much of my life I carried a huge misunderstanding that my energy came from being against & fighting the parts of the system that didn’t work; striving through my will power to make things turn out the way I knew they could.
Our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses. It was exhausting, and I regularly lost myself in the fight. I suffered for decades with debilitating migraines, ulcers and various auto immune diseases because of the way I held my relationship with my life and my work.
Eventually I came up against a situation that my willpower could not move: after 18 months of marriage my husband announced that he was leaving, no discussion. I tried everything I knew to try, and the outcome was final. When we divorced, he left, and so did his two young children; within a few weeks I never saw any of them again.
With that sequence of events I nearly had a nervous breakdown and had to take a leave of absence from work. I added TMJ, depression and anxiety to my list of ailments. I felt broken and rudderless, and in a moment of raw clarity — in a pool of my own despair — I could see for the first time that the way I had been living was not going to work for me any longer. I had to find a better way. It’s what I’m really good at, and finally, it was time to employ within myself both the gifts and the grit I had been using to unlock potential “out there.”
My life completely changed when I learned how to be in active cooperation with the flow of my life rather than in resistance to it. No more againstness. No more fighting. Picture the difference between pushing a huge-ass boulder uphill by myself versus floating carefree downstream in a steady vessel. I had to cultivate new skills to do this, believe me; and I needed structured support to stick with it over time.
I can’t tell you how liberating it is now, to work with whatever is happening around me as a gift to be graciously received, rather than a burden to be conquered, ‘gotten rid of,’ or rejected. My effectiveness in the world is radically better as a result, my performance, salary and career opportunities increased significantly, as did my enjoyment in living; and my life now is nothing short of magic. Every day.
It’s An Honor To Be Of Service
I am really clear now that it is my purpose on the planet to help others make similar changes in their lives. There is a way that my life has prepared me perfectly for it, that I might be of service in this way. I have a tremendous capacity and deep desire to guide you to your own sense of empowered, super-charged living; life-changing transitions into new ways of being through the crucibles of your work and life experiences, regardless of your chosen profession.
Life is not meant to feel like constant struggle and efforting. The truth is, life is happening FOR you, not TO you. At home, at work, everywhere in your world. No matter what it looks like, this is the truth. What would be possible if you had the skills and ability to experience YOUR life and your work this way?
I love doing this work. Nothing moves me more than seeing my clients awaken to the realization that their real job is to show up for their life in a way that is open and allowing, and cultivate skills that help them live from that place. One person at a time, we can transform life on this planet by choosing to change the way we relate to and behave in our work and our lives.
Are you ready to be part of that upgrade?