And So We Begin Again
2016 was a good year. And I don’t mean an easy year. I mean a good year, full of learning & growth. Effort and stretching, and rewards commensurate. I hope the same was true for you, both when it looked the way you expected or hoped, as well as when it did not. Life is grand that way.
Even before it arrived at our doorstep, 2017 asked me to broaden my communication; to expand my reach. To live as vulnerably as I ask my clients to live; to dare greatly and to bask in the (fill in the deeply personal and professional development) that inevitably will follow.
Gratitude and an Invitation
Thank you for helping me welcome Organization Catalyst into the world. It’s an experiment grounded in a hypothesis that we can get to know each other better when we dare to say what is in our hearts about topics that matter most to us. A peek behind the curtain: these are the conversations that I most want to have, and I hope that they strike a cord with you. Let me know what you like; let me know what you dislike.
Won’t you join me in the dialog?
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I could spoil it by placing some words about what is inside, but wouldn’t it be more fun to just take a look? And please, let me know the conversation you most want to be contributing to as the year unfolds. I’d love to join you there.